Hydrogen Burns Clean
Clean Up the Air With Hydrogen on Demand
The auto makers have done every thing they can for years to cover up the fact that TODAY, Right Now, we could be burning the fuel that is created by simple electrolysis of water (h2o). Applying small amounts of electrical current to water splits the molecules of the water into what some call their sub diatomical molecular state. In other words back to a gaseous state. This gas is called HHO gas (2 parts Hydrogen and 1 part Oxygen) and is highly explosive.
By adding HHO gas to your fuel with a Hydrogen on Demand system built with a COMPLETE HHO DRYCELL SYSTEMSyou can drastically reduce the amount of fuel you use. And as the government and auto makers have known since the 1970s you can greatly decrease the harmful pollutants emitted by your vehicle.READ MORE about hydrogen on demand HERE
I hope this hho information helps. Thank You For Coming By.
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