Stop The BS about HHO gas Systems
Find out About The Best HHO Generators
Below is a clip from one of those guys trying to sell another "How To" Guide supposedly on building a hydrogen on demand system. I cut the actual company name to cover my butt.
Reading this CRAP ad I can see why people are so skeptical about legitimate hho fuel systems like the complete HHO Dry Cell Kit and other hho generator systems that do what they say they do.(cut fuel consumption and clean up emissions)
Discover How To Quickly, And Easily Convert
Your Gas Or Diesel Vehicle To Run With Water
And Gas And Start Laughing At High Gas Prices.
While 100% water-run cars are still in development, the -*-*- System is the safest,
easiest, and best resulting guide to convert your car, truck, or motorbike to run on water and gas today.
-*-*- With Water works on 99.9% of vehicles including hybrids, diesel, gas, and petrol. Your vehicle warranty is preserved and you can add or remove the system in minutes. This system is SAFE for your vehicle and requires no engine modifications.
Based on thousands of tests, the =*=*= system is the least expensive system to build, safest for your vehicle, consumes the least power, and results in up to 3 times the gas savings than older systems based on plates or spiral cables. It even works in freezing weather.
With the =*-*=- System your vehicle will have increased fuel efficiency, smoother drive, and protect the environment. Using this technology, a florist in Florida reported that he is averaging 65 MPG (an increase of 213%) in his delivery trucks and we are now averaging 85.3 MPG in our 2 vehicles, an increase of 115%.
Explore more about the REAL DEAL HHO Generator: hho generator |HOW HHO WORKS | hho dry cell design