Check out our comparison videos
We compare 7 different HHO Dry Cells
You can see for yourself why we sell the DRY
CELL that we do.
It is not because we just added a plate or
copied someone else's idea.
It is because we put time and money into
research, and still do. We at started with the plan to bring to the public the most efficint hho generator
at the lowest possible pricing, We have done exactly that. Our research still never stops.
These test simulate the production and efficiency that you
would would get by installing the hho dry cell in your car (13.2 volts) without any added electronic gadgets.
Please watch all the videos below
before you make a decision to spend your money. I would also suggest that before buying any hho dry cell you know the number of plates and configurations used. Any legitimate hho generator site should have this information in their description.
HHO Dry Cell Test Revel Truth
Click To See All The HHO Dry Cell Test Videos
Here is Just One OF The HHO Dry Cell Test