Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Recently I got An email from a guy who definitely believes HHO is a scam so I thought you might want to hear is rantings :

They're all scams. Any idea that involves putting in energy to take that same energy back out is going to be a losing proposition. If you do it perfectly, you get out all the energy put in. How is that supposed to help you?
It shouldn't take a genius to see that however much energy you put in is going to be, at best, how much energy you get out. Otherwise, you're just magically getting energy from nowhere.
We like to present to you both sides of the story although we strongly lean toward the fact that as an added system Hydrogen on demand (HHO) will improve your mileage by boosting the burn rate of the gasoline because it burns hotter. after combustion the byproduct (water) helps cool the cylinders and exits the exhaust.
It does take more energy to separate the molecular structure of H2O than is given back when the separated Hydrogen combusts. HOWEVER, as a hybrid in your automobile - your gasoline also contributes to the combustion and provides the "extra energy" needed for the electrolysis. Either way, many of us are doubling -even tripling our gas mileage. So it does work.

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